Friday, July 8, 2011

samsung s3600i flashing problem

samsung s3600i flashing problem

samsung s3600i flashing problem

samsung s3600i flashing solution
samsung s3600i after flashing mobile dead solution

flash to frimwere 3600i ..model 3100 test ok.

Selected model: S3600I
Selected com port: COM7
Selected speed port: 921600
Please, connect phone and press shortly power button
Phone Detected
Sending loader1... OK
ARM version 3B11
Sending loader2... OK
Flash ID: 00EC2206000100000024
Start TFS format... OK
Start NOR flash
NOR flash - ok
Start Flash TFS
Mount TFS - ok
Create DIR - ok
TFS flash - ok
Write signature - false
Sign - fail
Elapsed time: 1139 second, sw ver: 3.5.0025

Selected model: S3100
Selected com port: COM7
Selected speed port: 921600
Please, connect phone and press shortly power button
Phone Detected
Sending loader1... OK
ARM version 3B11
Sending loader2... OK
Flash ID: 00EC2206000100000024
Start TFS format... OK
Start NOR flash
NOR flash - ok
Start Flash TFS
Mount TFS - ok
Create DIR - ok
TFS flash - ok
Start Flash CSC
CSC format - ok
Mount CSC - ok
Create DIR - ok
CSC flash - ok
Write signature - ok
Download - ok
Elapsed time: 1304 second, sw ver: 3.5.0025

nokia 5310 on off switch ways

nokia 5310 on off switch ways

nokia 5310 on off switch ways
Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 5310onoffswitchwayyc1.jpg